Over the past few days, I've received a few comments and suggestions regarding Constant Content and Associated Content. I've also learned a little about free article writing as well.
First, I wanted to share that I did receive a comment against these sites, and I'd like to share it with you. Another popular blogger contacted me and indicated that they recommend writers to avoid these sites. I personally am not ready to judge them yet, as my experiment is still in the beginning phases.
Second, remember that any publicity is good publicity. Once you have written some articles with bylines, your name will be out there. Okay, maybe it won't be some magical potion, but it will give you credibility when people are googling you. Also, if you have written for free-article sites (which I will discuss in a later post), you can include a link to your site. Cheesy? Maybe. But remember, this is the cyber age and we have to keep up with the times.
Don't forget the age-old wisdom: Write 1000 words a day. Does it matter whether you're writing a letter to your grandmother or an article for one of these sites? In my opinion, no. You are familiarizing yourself with the written word, and finding your true writing style. Keep writing. It doesn't matter whether it's hidden on your hard drive, shipped out via email, or sent to those sites.
Do remember, though, that once you've published something on these sites, you will lose the ability to sell your first rights. Does it matter? Maybe. Publications prefer to buy first rights (or all rights), and generally won't publish anything that's appeared on the internet or elsewhere. But remember, print and the internet are two different forms of media. If Constant Content or Associated Content publish my material, then I wasn't planning on sending it out for print publication anyway. To me, writing is writing, and my supply is endless (just re-slant your article for a different audience, re-do the purpose of the article, and re-write... you'll have a completely different article in no time).
Have I made any money off these sites? A little. Not enough to pay the mortgage, but it's a little extra. Will I write for them again? In a heartbeat. The more that I have out there, the more publicity I am receiving. And, they are marketing my work for me, so I can concentrate on writing new material.
In truth, I feel that the writing experience itself, along with the critiques received from Associated Content and Constant Content, ARE worth the effort. To be a great writer, one needs to write. But I wouldn't them on my resume.
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